

Copyright ©Fabio Flora / All rights reserved.

This project originated from an encounter with a company that was developing a woven felt, as opposed to the traditional beaten felt. The need to test it in the most demanding way possible led to the request for a rug. Through reflecting on its functionality, on the versatility of its composition and on the interaction between object and user, this “tortello” was born, with a square base in leather, a soft polyurethane foam filling and a felt surface. To be experienced barefoot!

CLIENT / Fantoni

DATE / 2007

MATERIALS / Felt, leather, expanded polyurethane

Photo / A. Ferrara


Copyright ©Fabio Flora / All rights reserved.

This project originated from an encounter with a company that was developing a woven felt, as opposed to the traditional beaten felt. The need to test it in the most demanding way possible led to the request for a rug. Through reflecting on its functionality, on the versatility of its composition and on the interaction between object and user, this “tortello” was born, with a square base in leather, a soft polyurethane foam filling and a felt surface. To be experienced barefoot!

CLIENT / Fantoni

DATE / 2007

MATERIALS / Felt, leather, expanded polyurethane